

1st Voyage

  • 2013 - Preparations in Maine

    In 2013 Nicole Gleason, Technology Coach for K-5 students at Edna Libby, Steep Falls, H. B. Emery Jr, and George E Jack Schools, worked with Dick Baldwin creator of Educational Passages, to work on the iBoat project and purchase a boat.

    For more information on the iBoat project and to follow its travels, check out Mrs. Gleason’s site at

    Here are the Finder’s Instructions that were put inside:

  • December 1, 2013: Launched

    “SS Scots” is from the Bonny Eagle school district in Maine covering the towns of Standish, Limington, Hollis, and Buxton.  This boat was launched off Georges Banks in early December 2013 by Bro Cote, a Cape Cod lobsterman, along with 8 other boats in different areas around the Atlantic.

    We are hoping it will completely circle the Atlantic Ocean making a couple of stops along the way.  We hope the finders will contact our school, fix her up, re-launch her, and that she might return to the United States.   We are learning about the ocean wind & currents as well as the old sailing routes to and from the new world.

  • November 14, 2014: Landed in Spain

    On November 14, 2014, it landed on a sandy beach on the Costa de Dexo in the NW corner of Spain and was discovered by some locals who brought it into the classroom.

    The story in the Spanish newspaper “La Voz de Galicia”, “El mensaje que viajó por el océano de Maine a Carnota (The message that traveled across the ocean from Maine to Carnota)” is posted here.

    They connected several times:

    March 2015:

    April 2015:

    May 2015:

2nd Voyage

3rd Voyage

  • April 2016 - Relaunched

    April 2016 update from Colegio Nuryana on Facebook: “Secuencia de un hasta pronto. Hoy botamos al mar de nuevo el SS Scot, el barco que llegó desde el otro lado del Atlántico hasta el Nuryana.”


    The GPS did not report until May 5, when it appears to have landed on the rocks. Was it ever recovered? Please contact us if you have any updates for this story and boat!