DCA Electric Eagle
Dunnellon Christian Academy
1st Voyage
This is the second boat for DCA and was deployed in the core of the Florida Current off Pompano Beach in July 2017.
July 8, 2017 - Deployed off coast of Florida, USA
April 3, 2018 - Recovered in France
She crossed the Atlantic fairly quickly and was approaching the European shore in late Winter 2018.
March 2018
Along with other miniboat enthusiasts like Luis Sebastiao in Portugal, we started contacting our friends in France in March. We have Marie Martin and Charlene Feucher, for example, contacting their friends along mid-coast France. Luis and his colleague Raquel Costa issued a challenge on Facebook. Who will find and photograph her first?
April 3, 2018 – Recovered in France!
The DCA Eagles II was recovered in France! Found near the port of the Sables D’Olonne (FRANCE) by SNS002 Canotier Jacques Joly.
Thanks to Jack Marie Baudin who shared on the DCA Facebook page: “Mon épouse et moi sommes à l’origine de cette récupération, en effet nous l’avons vu dériver depuis notre habitation, et avons alerté les pompiers qui se sont chargés de la vérification de nos dire et ensuite mener à bien l’opération” whch in English says “My wife and I are the source of this recovery, indeed we have seen it drifting from our home, and alerted the fire department that has been responsible for the verification to tell us and then complete the operation.”
An article was quickly published in a France paper here. Stay tuned for more updates as we receive them!
Check out the picture after the recovery (above and to the right) – this is why we use antifouling bottom paint now because these gooseneck barnacles like to grow, grow, grow!
April 6, 2018
The Firefighters from Les Sables d’Olonne sent pictures of the cleaned up miniboat to the students at DCA. After a little power wash, the boat looks nearly brand new! She’ll need a new sail before relaunching, though.
The barnacles were scraped off the hull Looks almost as good as new. Great work, Firefighters! All cleaned up, time for a new sail! April 23, 2018
The boat was taken to Eric Tabarly High School in Olonne Sur Mer.
Unfortunately there was no communication after this. We hope the boat remains at the school!

This is the 2nd boat of 3 sponsored by Tracy Jenner’s class from the Dunnellon Christian Academy in Dunnellon, Florida. The first boat had two voyages: one across the Caribbean and one almost across the North Atlantic. The 3rd boat is the DCA Malachi and is still at sea.