Clipper Ripper
Portsmouth Middle School
- Switch Voyages:
- 1
Status: At Sea
Date Deployed: 3/17/2023
From Where: 42 30.4 N 67 25.3 W
Days At Sea: 488 days, 14 hours
Most Recent Position: 32 16' N 55 31' W
Last GPS Update: 07/18/2024 11:47:59
Explore with Path Analysis Tool: click here
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1st Voyage
September 2022 - February 2023 Preparations
The Portsmouth Middle School began preparing their boat after the kit was delivered on September 1, 2022. Here are some pictures of the students’ work so far:
January 2023
By the first week of January 2023, the Clipper Ripper was ready to set sail!
February 2023
The project was highlighted in the Portsmouth Herald on February 6, 2023: Portsmouth Middle School students prepare boat for maiden voyage
A send off celebration was had at Prescott Park on February 10.
March 2023 - Launched in the Gulf of Maine
Click on the titles above to explore the full story and learn about how the students at Portsmouth Middle School prepared their miniboat, the Clipper Ripper.
March 16, 2023
Todd Ellis of Little Bay Lobster company picked up the miniboat and brought it to the docks in Newington, NH. It took a ride aboard the F/V Gladys Elaine (lobster boat) and to be launched from Georges Bank.
March 17, 2023
Todd reported on Friday afternoon that the miniboat was launched at “17:19. 42-24.5N 67-22.2W”.
Sensor Data
The Clipper Ripper miniboat has two GPS systems onboard. The location reports will show on the map at the top of this page here (which updates hourly with new positions if available).
Here below is where you can see the data reporting from the second GPS which is connected to a custom sensor package. In addition to reporting location with a secondary GPS tracker, this system is also collecting air temperature, water temperature, and orientation of the boat.
Please note that the map below will only the last 7 days of data and may include invalid points and data. If you are interested in looking at the data in a different format from the whole voyage, contact us.