Copper Rose
Richmond Elementary School (Portland, OR, USA) and Takagami Elementary School (Choshi, Japan) | 4th Grade
1st Voyage - Recovered after 2 days at sea
March 2019 Christening Ceremony
Here are some photos from the Christening Ceremony. We welcomed special guest, Consul General Teraoka to participate.
April 1, 2019 - Launching of the Copper Rose
The Copper Rose was launched today from the USCGC ORCAS today as they leave the port of Coos Bay. Coos Bay was chosen as the launch location as Coos Bay, Oregon and Choshi, Japan are sister Cities. Special thanks to LT Roth and the crew of the ORCAS.
April 3, 2019 - Landed and Recovered at Seal Rock
Check out how close the Copper Rose was to crashing into the rocks before it was recovered! The Copper Rose sailed ashore after only two days at sea onto a beach near Jenny, Ruth, and Evelyne’s beach house. These ladies ventured out into the water and dragged it ashore, saving it from the rocks it was heading towards. Fire Chief Tom was contacted and the Copper Rose is now safe and secure at the fire station while plans to relaunch her are made.
Thanks to the finders and Seal Rock Fire Department for the outstanding rescue!
April 4, 2019 - On display at Hatfield Marine Science Center
The Copper Rose is on display at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, waiting for Green’s IRR Team to give relaunch instructions!
2nd Voyage - Landed after 4 days at sea
April 20, 2019 - Relaunched
Miniboat Copper Rose has been released from R/V SIKULIAQ on April 20th 2019 at 21:47 PDT. The crew sent their best wishes: “OSU OOI science and SIKULIAQ wish it smooth sailing on its long journey.” -
April 22, 2019 - Spotted at sea
The first at sea spotting report from the CRMM fleet was emailed and shared on Instagram today, thanks to the F/V Ikura!
April 24, 2019 - Shipwrecked
On the afternoon of April 24 the Copper Rose landed in an inaccessible cove on the Southern Oregon Coast during in what fisherman described as “nuclear winds.”
A rescue mission to recover her is in the works…
The Columbia River Maritime Museum’s Miniboat Program was developed in partnership with Educational Passages and the Consular Office of Japan in Portland. Students in the Pacific Northwest build unmanned sailboats equipped with GPS transmitters, one to launch from the coast of North America and the other to send to their partner class in Japan for launching. While the boats are at sea, students on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean will track their movements. Using real-time data on ocean currents and weather, students will share their predictions on where the boats will go next, and hopefully create lasting friendships.
The mission: to get the boats to cross the Pacific Ocean.
The outcome: through hands-on activities and meaningful opportunities, students are enlightened and empowered.
Richmond Elementary School is located in Portland, Oregon and is a Japanese Immersion School. The entire 4th grade is participating in CRMM’s Miniboat Program during the 2018-2019 School Year.
The Japanese Immersion Program began in 1989 with two kindergarten classes at Richmond Elementary School. Now, a complete K-12 language immersion program with students starting at Richmond for kindergarten and stay-ing through 5th grade. At Richmond Elementary, students spend half their day learning in Japanese and the other half in English. Teachers provide lessons in literacy, math, science, and social studies in both languages.
The CRMM Miniboat Program is student driven with all the work and decisions being made independently by the students in their self assigned team.