Mobile Goat
Mobile Central High School
1st Voyage
November 2016 - Preparations
This mini-boat was prepared by the students at Mobile Central High School in Mobile, Newfoundland and Labrador, with help from the Fisheries and Marine Institute (MI) of Memorial University of Newfoundland. To kick-start the activities, the students attended a half-day session held by representatives from MI’s School of Ocean Technology and Office of Student Recruitment. Together, the students learned about sailing historic routes across the Atlantic and took part in activities focused on boat building and ocean mapping. Students spent time preparing, naming and personalizing their mini-boat.
Prior to setting sail, the vessel will be filled with letters, pictures and videos from the students. The vessel will be officially launched on the Grand Banks, off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador at the end of November with support from a supply vessel from Maersk Supply Service.
We expect the boat to land in France with a 60% chance of it successfully getting across the Atlantic. 10% chance of getting it back.
July 2017 - Tracking near Spain
In late July 2017, as the Mobile Goat approached the Iberian Peninsula, we contacted our multi-international colleagues who have helped there in the past. One individual, Alfredo Aretxabaleta’s friend Pablo Camara, took a particular interest in the recovery operation along with a few other long-time miniboat enthusiast. Hilda, for example, enlisted the help of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, some “experts in atmospheric models from Galicia“, sent along a few websites to view the local wind fields (see image to the right for example)
and enlisted a few more of her friends in the hunt. Rachel Costa meanwhile suggested “If you ( Spanish friends) could use Facebook or Instagram or any other way (local radio for example) to communicate in Spanish, normally this information will be shared and spread quickly. In Portugal, Maritime policy and local nautical clubs are involved when we share with them the all picture.” Miriam Hampel, from the Andalusian Center for Marine Science and Technology (CACYTMAR) in Cadiz who had helped recover a boat in 2015, also responded positively.
As noted by Paul Brett (one of the lead sponsors of this boat from Memorial University’s School of Ocean Technology) it “would be very serendipitous if it left a small fishing village in Newfoundland and was connected to a small fishing village in Spain.” And indeed, that is what happened.
August 2017 - Recovered in Spain
On the morning of 6 August 2017, she reported from a fairly accessible location at the Porto de Moras and within a few hours, with help from Luis and others in Portugal and a Facebook contacts, she was rescued from the rocks. The email translated by Google, reads:
Good afternoon. I am contacting you to inform them that the ship has been rescued and is safe in Morás, Xove (Lugo) Galicia, in Spain. I contacted Luís Sebastião through facebook for our help. Among friends Morás 5 neighbors located the boat was stuck on the rocks and climbed ashore. Luis told me to entregasemos in a school but here are now on holiday. We have saved as they return to school and leave there we will take your details so that teachers get in touch with you. My colleagues and I are delighted to have helped draft these children. Attached photos hope you receive another email …
Greetings from MorásSofia, the lead rescuer, and her friends, Sandra, Tania, Bruno, and Pablo will bring the tired Mobile Goat into the local school where she can begin another life in Spain.
See also online articles at:
2nd Voyage
July 24, 2018
We delivered Mobile goat to a boat, this boat left the Mobile Goat some distance from Asturian coast.
Bad luck made the ship return to the coast in the following days. We do not know why, since the sailors say that the current should have taken it to the French coast. The fact is that the ship ran aground on the banks of Sequiro, in the Asturian town of Carreño. Carreño’s local police had to rescue the boat.
It has a waterway and we have to repair again. So it’s back in Xove. We will try repair it quickly and re-launch it in the next days.
The Mobile Goat is currently being refurbished by the IES Illa de Sarón, an educational center, in Xove, Lugo. This center is located in Galicia, north of Spain. We are the educational center where the group of young people of Morás, brought the Mobile Goat after it was recovered.
3rd Voyage
September 6, 2018 - Updates from Spain
We received an update from our friends in Spain who said, “We repaired the Mobile Goat and on September 6 we sent it back to the adventure. This time we sent it on a boat that catches hake and could leave it a little further from the coast, so as not to have the problems of the previous time. The Mobile Goat was launched in the coordinates that can be seen in a photo that I sent you. Two days ago the GPS signal of the second crossing of the Mobile Goat disappeared. I do not know if you know what’s happening with the signal. We hope to retrieve the GPS signal because my students are very excited to follow the course of the ship.”
And sure enough, on September 14, she reported again and appeared to be sailing up the English Channel.
October 18, 2018 - Reporting near France
After going silent for a few weeks, she reported back west of Brest France on Oct 18th. The fate of Mobile Goat is still unknown.
December 17, 2018 - Reporting from UK
After going silent on November 9, we were surprised to see a report on December 17, 2018 from the GPS of the Mobile Goat this morning on a beach in the UK! Stay tuned as we work to recover her…
This mini-boat was prepared by the students at Mobile Central High School in Mobile, Newfoundland and Labrador, with help from the Fisheries and Marine Institute (MI) of Memorial University of Newfoundland.
- Mobile Central High School
- Maersk Supply Service – Twitter @MaerskSupply / Facebook @MaerskSupplyService
- Marine Institute – Twitter @marineinstitute / Facebook