Olive Oyl
Gwynedd Mercy Academy
- Switch Voyages:
- 1
Status: No Longer Reporting
Date Deployed: 11/27/2017
From Where: 38 38 N 73 2.1 W
Days At Sea: 163 days, 10 hours
Most Recent Position: 37 51' N 25 19' W
Last GPS Update: 05/09/2018 18:16:57
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1st Voyage
Olive Oyl is one of three miniboats deployed in late November out of Barnegat Bay, NJ.
May 2018
Several months into her voyage, Olive Oyl made landfall on St Michaels, one of the eastern-most of the Azorean Islands. Thanks to our colleagues in Portugal (Luis and Raquel), contact was made with Luis Cabral and Filipe Porteiro who apparently made multiple trips to the rocky site of the wreck and, with the help of the mariner Paulo Jorge Tavares Silva, eventually got the various pieces of the boat into the hands of a school teacher Elizabeth Santangelo. Curiously enough, none of the original trinkets were found in the hold as if someone had already taken them. See pictures. A nice medallion of St Brendan was left by pirates who evidently looted the original bounty.
November 2017
The school delivered her to the dock with a live Facebook recording.
The Olive Oyl was deployed on November 27, 2017 well offshore the Delaware Shelf from the longliner F/V (fishing vessel) Sea Farmer.
Gwynedd Mercy Academy Elementary School is a Private Catholic School in Spring House, Pennsylvania. It is a Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School.
The Eighth Graders have taken part in this project for the very first time this year, 2017. They are very excited to see where their boat will eventually land up!
They are one of three eighth grade classes from their school to have boats in the ocean, the others being Allons-Sea and The Black Pearl.